Department of International Studies Specialized Course for Foreign Students (Chinese)

Department of International Studies Specialized Course for Foreign Students (Chinese)

Japanese page is here (Japanese)


Overview of courses for foreign students

This course is specially designed for international students. The course arrangement is similar to that of previous international studies courses, except that the foreign languages ​​studied are English and Japanese. After enrollment, students will receive comprehensive learning support during their intensive Japanese language courses, and will be able to improve their professional skills during their vocational training and master the abilities needed in international society.


International students who wish to study Japanese while simultaneously learning the global language, English (Japanese ability level up to CEFR B1) and are interested in international society, international contributions, and regional studies in Japan. We welcome students studying at the United States University to participate in the experience program during their study abroad in Japan.

Key words

English + Japanese
International Society, International Contributions, Area Studies, Japanese Studies
"Domestic Study Abroad" at the US State University
Full learning support
Vocational education starting from one year


The department specializes in a wide range of fields, including international society, international contributions, regional studies, Japanese studies, commerce, and the environment.
・Intensive study of English and Japanese. At the time of provisional enrollment, the Japanese language level is CEFR B1. In addition to the Japanese course of 7 classes per week in the first year, we also studied English intensively. The English and Japanese course continues for two years with the goal of reaching CEFR C1 level in both languages ​​during the exam.
・Studying abroad is an optional subject. If you wish, you can choose to study at our overseas campus, Showa Shoten, or an overseas cooperative university in an English-speaking country, or an overseas cooperative university with an English course.
・Our campus is home to the Temple University Japan Campus (TUJ), a US state university, and many students study abroad at TUJ every year.
・Based on the course layout of the International Studies Department, in the second semester of the third year, the entire student council participated in TUJ's Academic English Program. The fees are already included in student fees.
Participate in extracurricular activities of companies, NPOs and local governments, and cultivate collaboration skills with people from different cultural backgrounds.
· Many students in the Department of International Studies are allowed to study Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese and can provide mutual assistance and learning support to foreign students.

Scholarship for international students

Starting in 2025, a new scholarship system for international students will be implemented.

1. Exemption from admission fees

All admission fees for international students who submit an application at the time of review will be waived.

2. Tuition Exemption System for Self-Funded International Students

We provide economic support to international students who have completed their regular courses, encourage excellent international students to study intensively, and based on their results, receive a reduction in preparatory fees.
If you meet the following requirements, please apply for the rates according to the regulations twice a year (first and second semesters).

onreadMain schoolStudy in Japan as part of the regular undergraduate or graduate course and also obtain a study abroad certificate.

Average monthly living expenses not exceeding9 yen (non-comprehensivefee), or JapaneseThe annual income of the veterinarian does not exceedOver500 million yen.

<Tuition fee reduction rate>
Tuition exemption rates are based on the grade point average (GPA) adjustment of one semester prior to application.
GPA 3.0 or above: 60% exemption rate
GPA 2.3 or above: 45% exemption rate
GPA 2.0 or above: 30% exemption rate
GPA 1.0 or above: 20% exemption rate

*Note: A 30% exemption rate applies to the first semester of enrollment.
Example: If your GPA in the first half of 2025 is 2.5, then you will receive a 2025% tuition reduction in the second half of 45.