Handling fraud

Exams and assignments must be conducted fairly and equitably to measure the achievement of educational goals.Therefore, our university takes strict action against misconduct.The following actions will be considered misconduct.


Cheating in exams

  • Failure to follow the instructions of the test proctor (including supervisor assistants).
  • Please write a name and student ID number other than your own on the answer sheet.
  • Looking at the answers, etc. of other examinees, and learning the answers.
  • Giving answers or providing assistance to other test takers.
  • Taking distributed question papers out of the examination room without permission.
  • Take the answer sheet out of the exam room.
  • Do not open the question paper or begin answering before the answering period begins.
  • Using items that are not permitted to be brought in.Also, borrowing or borrowing items that are permitted to be brought in.
  • Be sure to have a writing utensil and continue answering before and after the answering period begins and ends.

Cheating in assignments

  • [Fabrication] Creating data or research results that do not exist.
  • [Falsification] Performing operations that change research materials, equipment, and processes to make data, results obtained from research activities, etc. unauthentic.
  • [Plagiarism] When creating a report, paper, etc., writing someone else's ideas, analysis/methods, data, research results, papers, or terminology as if it were one's own opinion without the person's consent or appropriate indication.
* Publicly published texts and data, such as literature, are copyrighted, so when quoting and using texts such as literature, it is a rule that you must clearly distinguish it from your own writing. .Please note that texts and data on the Internet are also copyrighted, so copying and pasting without providing proper citations is clear plagiarism.


For those who commit fraud,Various regulations pageBased on the "Regulations regarding cheating in examinations and assignments for Showa Women's University students and Showa Women's University graduate students" published in , all courses for the relevant term will be cancelled.
  • For courses that span two terms or more, registration for that term will be invalidated and registration for the first term will be postponed.However, depending on the course, the first term registration may not be postponed and the course registration may be cancelled.
  • Registration for cultural courses will not be canceled, but attendance for the relevant term will be cancelled.
  • Particularly malicious cases may be subject to disciplinary action based on the "Internal Regulations Concerning Discipline for Showa Women's University Students and Showa Women's University Graduate School Students."